tirsdag 29. juli 2014

Who is on my Wi-Fi

Hi there!

I was surfing the internet for something interesting news and came suddenly across a page mentioning some security issues. Typical what to be aware of and so on... And my eyes landed on an article asking if I knew who is using my Wi-Fi.

Here's a link to the page I am referring to:

Having a visitor earlier this summer lending my Wi-Fi I started thinking. Maybe there is someone else but me, but probably not.
So I checked out Method number 1; A software called "Who's On My Wi-Fi"

And here is the link to their page:

Downloading and installing this software is as easy as opening the door to your refrigerator, and I'm not just saying that because I am hungry.

After installation I scanned my network for devices. Using almost only iPhone, iPad and my PC I expected 3-4 units connected, but the scan showed me 8.
Time to re-think... and recount. One neat feature with 'Who's On My Wi-Fi' is that you can name your devices and flag them for being Known. So I did.

The reason I wanna share this with you is because we should all be a little concerned regarding security, and it starts with you. And knowing is a good place to start.

After finding and naming all your devices do a rescan. And maybe use this software for a little while just to see if things changes.
I learned 2 things from doing that.

1. My iPhone keeps logging on/off the net ever so often.
2. My virtual Linux computer on Hyper-V is active, even if I haven't had it in use since the day before my exam.

So in addition to regaining control over my network I also discovered 2 other interesting issues. Neat!

"But what do I do if I find an intruder?" Good question you got there!
I wasn't so "lucky" to get that option tested, but there is according to the software a possibility to Block devices. If you test this software and gets to Block an unknown device.. Please do share your experience in comments area :)

If I do not get broken up into bits or adopt a binary form it will soon be a new blog with new experiences from my IT adventures!

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